JWaveform – A Java Wrapper for the Windows Waveform Functions
September 17, 2020
A Java/JNI wrapper for the Windows Waveform functions.

Custom Pathfinder V1 Character Sheet
December 5, 2019
An update of my google-docs based character sheet, targeting Pathfinder.

Table / Stool for the Store
October 14, 2019
A woodworking project for my store.

January 6, 2019
Hey now day, don’t run away Stand still sun, and do not sway the breeze is light and the air is clear We must dance through all this madness Bees will buzz, like tweedle-dee flying sweet and close to me seek not the night, nor yesteryear for the world is numb to your sadness Like […]

Hypnos Music Player – Beta 5
December 5, 2018
Hypnos Beta 5. Improved library pane and global hotkeys.

Hypnos Music Player – Beta 4
November 9, 2018
Beta 4 release of Hypnos. VLC playback engine now!

Into Your Smile
July 25, 2018
I’ve been writing and recording again lately. I’m happy with this song. Hope you enjoy.

Hypnos Music Player – Beta 3
January 29, 2018
Beta 3 release of Hypnos, with lots of cool new features and performance improvement.

Hypnos Music Player – Beta 2
December 28, 2017
Beta 2 of Hypnos Music Player is released. Lots of new features!

Hypnos Music Player – Beta 1
November 11, 2017
Beta 1 Release of Hypnos Music Player!

Hypnos Music Player – Alpha
June 4, 2017
The first release of a new music player I am writing.

Clover Cube Tutorial
March 15, 2016
A tutorial for solving the Clover Cube Puzzle, which is a 3-dimensional rotation puzzle similar to the Rubik’s Cube, but which has a completely unique way of moving and method of solution.
My ZSH Config (.zshrc)
January 14, 2016
A custom .zshrc annotated with detailed comments. I borrowed from a handful of places. Check it out, and steal my ideas. I hope this helps you. 🙂

Nova Games is Open!
December 9, 2015
My new gaming store in Freehold, NJ is finally open! Really excited about this one.

Jester – Beta 2 Released
November 10, 2015
Second beta of Jester released, with a bunch of sweet new features. Check it out!

Custom D&D 3.5 Character Sheet
August 2, 2015
A custom D&D character sheet in google docs. Really great for online play.

The New Bards Handbook – D&D 3.5
July 10, 2015
An in-depth breakdown of the D&D 3.5 Bard class, covering virtually every option available. If you’re making a bard, this will be great for you!
Jester – Beta 1 Released
January 20, 2015
At long last, the first beta for Jester is released!

Teahouse Fox – Home Again
October 26, 2014
Teahouse Fox was an iGoogle theme that showed us the idyllic life of a Fox. iGoogle was cancelled in 2013, and our fox’s home was lost. With the powers of bash, we’ve rebuilt it.

I Bought a Gaming Store?
January 26, 2014
Brian and I bought a gaming store, kind of on a whim. This should be fun.

New Accidental Seabirds Website
October 24, 2013
Check it out: http://www.accidentalseabirds.com/

July 2, 2013
A short epic poem.

SCG Worcester – MTG Legacy – 3rd Place
June 10, 2012
My third place finish at SCG Worcester in 2012.

DND 3.5 – Additional Skill Rules Compiled
May 9, 2011
A list of esoteric uses for D&D 3.5 skills.

May 11, 2010

Bladesinger – Homebrew D&D 3.5 Class
June 21, 2009
A homebrew class I made for Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, based on the AD&D hybrid bladesinger class, templated off the 3.5 bard.

Passing with Time
January 15, 2009

Fond Farewell
August 23, 2007

Day Break
January 15, 2007
Mike and I made this together one night as a jam. He was on the djembe, I was on a moog modular synth emulator driven by my yamaha p120. I really love this track.